Showing: 9 RESULTS
Docker Process

⚙️ Automating Docker Startup on Windows: Ensuring Hassle-Free Workflows

Let us see how to automatically start Docker on Windows immediatly after start-up. In order to do that, you just need to perform the following steps: Create a text file and rename it dockerAtStartup.ps1 Add the following code: start-service -Name com.docker.service start C:\’Program Files’\Docker\Docker\’Docker Desktop.exe’ NB: Don’t forget to write ‘Program Files’ instead of Program …


🖥️ Adding TODO and FIXME in you code

I have seen many codes that include TODO statements. In general, TODOs should be added only in your own Git branch. However, there are cases where it is acceptable to let TODOs in the code base. Let us see it in more details. 💡 Please keep in that this is also acceptable for both TODO …


🔑 How to use a keytab file for authentication ?

A keytab is simply a file that stores authentication credentials information to help users access remote systems easily. The file contains Kerberos principals along with encrypted keys. Keep in mind that the keys are automatically generated from the Kerberos password. Thereore, the encrypted keys will change whenever you change the Kerberos password. How to create …


🔗 Most Useful Apps and Websites on Internet

The Most Important Apps and Websites on Internet Today, I want to list the most useful apps, websites and platforms that will save you a lot of time. This list will be updated often, so save this page and come back regularly to discover good links. From capturing web page snapshots to learning coding online, …

Git Process

🖥️ Git and Conventional Commit

Conventional commit is an awesome way to build professional and clean Git history. Why You Must Use Conventional Commits CHANGELOGs are automatically generated. Explaining changes to collaborators and other stakeholders. Triggering build processes. Structured commit history. You can learn more on the conventional commits guidelines and Conventional commit messages structure <type>[optional scope]: <description> [optional …