Showing: 4 RESULTS
Code Process Python

🖥️ Building a Python Package

Building and Deploying Python Packages: A Comprehensive Tutorial for Experts Introduction Developing and distributing Python packages is a crucial aspect of software development. This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a Python package, configuring it with setuptools, and deploying it using pip. We’ll cover topics such as project structure, and setup.cfg …

Data Database

🖥️ Marklogic Tutorial

Marklogic Documents Add Documents Using Javascript: From Files declareUpdate(); // Mandatory to edit resources in MArklogic xdmp.documentLoad(“path/file.json”); // Keep Uri as path/file.json xdmp.documentLoad(“path/file.json”, {“uri”: “NewUriPath”}); // Change Uri to NewUriPath /*Load Bulk documents*/ const pathToDocs = “/home/Docs”; const docResults = xdmp.filesystemDirectory(pathYoDocs); docResults.forEach(fucntion(doc){ xdmp.documentLoad(doc.pathname, {“uri”:”/patents/”+doc.filename})}); Using Javascript: Document created in memory ( form, response to api, …

Code Data Data Engineering Database Security

🔑 Understanding ABAC vs. RBAC with Code Examples

ABAC : Attribute-Based Access Control RBAC : Role-Based Access Control Access control is a crucial aspect of security in software applications. Two popular models for implementing access control are Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). In this tutorial, we’ll delve into the concepts of ABAC and RBAC, and provide code examples to …

C++ Code

🖥️ CMake Tutorial

Introduction CMake is a tool for controlling the build process, which creates scripts to turn C++ source code into a specific project. Examples: Generates vcxproj files for Microsoft Visual Studio 2017, toolchain, and MSVC 19 Generates project for MinGW If you want to know how to setup a complete C++ project, go to Cpp Dev …