GitUI is written in Rust, so you need to install Rust support for your Linux distribution and its Package manager Cargo. In the terminal, use the following commands: sudo apt update sudo apt install curl sudo apt install gcc cmake curl –proto ‘=https’ –tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh cargo install gitui
🖥️ Git and Conventional Commit
Conventional commit is an awesome way to build professional and clean Git history. Why You Must Use Conventional Commits CHANGELOGs are automatically generated. Explaining changes to collaborators and other stakeholders. Triggering build processes. Structured commit history. You can learn more on the conventional commits guidelines and Conventional commit messages structure <type>[optional scope]: <description> [optional …
🖥️ How to use Git with Gitlab in 2023 ?
I’have been asked how to use Git with Gitlab. Here is a tutorial that explains the process to follow. 1 Install Git client 1.1 Install Git on Windows Go to Download Git for Windows The website will automatically detect your operating system and provide the appropriate installer for your version of Windows. Run the …
🖥️ Using Git Workflow
Git workflow Today, it becomes more and more important to have clean and easy processes for your software applications developments. Wether you are working for a big company or for a small startup, you may have to use a code versioning tool. Git a very powerful tool for such purpose. It enables developers to collaborate …