Here’s the full table of the 64 characters used in base64 encoding:

Value Binary Data Base64 Character
0 000000 A
1 000001 B
2 000010 C
3 000011 D
4 000100 E
5 000101 F
6 000110 G
7 000111 H
8 001000 I
9 001001 J
10 001010 K
11 001011 L
12 001100 M
13 001101 N
14 001110 O
15 001111 P
16 010000 Q
17 010001 R
18 010010 S
19 010011 T
20 010100 U
21 010101 V
22 010110 W
23 010111 X
24 011000 Y
25 011001 Z
26 011010 a
27 011011 b
28 011100 c
29 011101 d
30 011110 e
31 011111 f
32 100000 g
33 100001 h
34 100010 i
35 100011 j
36 100100 k
37 100101 l
38 100110 m
39 100111 n
40 101000 o
41 101001 p
42 101010 q
43 101011 r
44 101100 s
45 101101 t
46 101110 u
47 101111 v
48 110000 w
49 110001 x
50 110010 y
51 110011 z
52 110100 0
53 00110101 1
54 00110110 2
55 00110111 3
56 00111000 4
57 00111001 5
58 00111010 6
59 00111011 7
60 00111100 8
61 00111101 9
62 00111110 +
63 00111111 /

In Base64 encoding, the input data is divided into blocks of 3 bytes each. Each block is then encoded into a group of 4 characters, which are chosen from the above table based on the binary value of the input data. The resulting encoded data is then used for data transmission or storage purposes, since it is in a format that can be easily transmitted over networks or stored in a text file.

Written by

Albert Oplog

Hi, I'm Albert Oplog. I would humbly like to share my tech journey with people all around the world.