Here’s the table of the 64 characters used in base64 decoding, along with their binary value and corresponding decimal value. The table is presented in markdown format:

Base64 Character Binary Value Decimal Value
A 000000 0
B 000001 1
C 000010 2
D 000011 3
E 000100 4
F 000101 5
G 000110 6
H 000111 7
I 001000 8
J 001001 9
K 001010 10
L 001011 11
M 001100 12
N 001101 13
O 001110 14
P 001111 15
Q 010000 16
R 010001 17
S 010010 18
T 010011 19
U 010100 20
V 010101 21
W 010110 22
X 010111 23
Y 011000 24
Z 011001 25
a 011010 26
b 011011 27
c 011100 28
d 011101 29
e 011110 30
f 011111 31
g 100000 32
h 100001 33
i 100010 34
j 100011 35
k 100100 36
l 100101 37
m 100110 38
n 100111 39
o 101000 40
p 101001 41
q 101010 42
r 101011 43
s 101100 44
t 101101 45
u 101110 46
v 101111 47
w 110000 48
x 110001 49
y 110010 50
z 110011 51
0 110100 52
1 110101 53
2 110110 54
3 110111 55
4 111000 56
5 111001 57
6 111010 58
7 111011 59
8 111100 60
9 111101 61
+ 111110 62
/ 111111 63

The binary value column shows the 6-bit binary representation of each character. The decimal value column shows the decimal value of each 6-bit binary representation. These values are used in the base64 decoding process to convert the encoded data back into its original binary format.

Written by

Albert Oplog

Hi, I'm Albert Oplog. I would humbly like to share my tech journey with people all around the world.